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Rabbis at the edge of the world

Each summer, Lubavitch sends emissaries to every part of the globe to find ‘lost’ Jews.

September 18, 2009 12:23
Chabad’s emissary holds up the back of a Ukrainian Torah scroll, found in an old photo frame and given to a local Jew

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

3 min read

The lost Torah scroll
We stopped off at the home of a woman in Kralivets. We spoke for a while and ate apples from her garden. She then told us that she had a Torah.

Now, whenever anyone here says they have a Torah, they most likely mean a book with Hebrew writing. But we weren’t rushing anywhere so we told her that we would love to see it.

She came back with a wrapped-up scroll. It was a detailed sketch of a deer being attacked by wolves. In the corner was the date: 1943. We flipped it over. It was an entire section of a Torah scroll.

The old woman explained that a young man had found the drawing in a frame belonging to his grandmother, and had given it to her when he discovered the Jewish writing.