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PR guru using 'Dogfluencers' to boost Israel's image

Joanna Landau also brings digital influencers to the Jewish state for tours

September 15, 2023 11:32
Credit Or Kaplan-5268 (950x634)
4 min read

"You can sell a country like you do Coca-Cola.” This is Joanna Landau’s take on Israel. Unfortunately, for most of us, trying to sell Israel feels more akin to trying to sell a sludgy smoothie made from broccoli and spirulina, the idea of which at best evokes ambivalence and, at worst, a visceral revulsion.

Today, I am on Zoom with the Israel branding expert to find out how to solve Israel’s PR problem. First things first: the PR problem isn’t what most of us think it is: that whenever the Israeli-Palestinian situation erupts, Israel — even when defending itself against rocket fire — is almost always portrayed as the Goliath to the Palestinians’ David. The PR problem, says Landau, is that the conflict is almost all anyone talks about.

“I can’t understand why this story is such a big proportion of who we are,” says Landau from her home in Tel Aviv. “Yes, of course, we live in a county that’s in a state of conflict, maybe 50 per cent, maybe 30 per cent, but it’s not 100 per cent. Underneath, you’ve got incredible people massively contributing to the world.”

The reason we can’t shift people’s perception of Israel is due to what in marketing jargon is known as “brand positioning” — and Landau is frustrated. “Millions of dollars and pounds are invested in advocating for Israel and educating about Israel, but there’s no innovation. They take the same messages and arguments, but don’t understand why they’re not working. If this was a company, you would probably close it down.”