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Post modern - party invitations get digital

If you're planning a simcha you might think that letting people know the details is the least of your worries - but there's a whole new world of invitations out there

November 23, 2017 09:39
Eco-friendly wedding invitation buy Greenvelope
2 min read

Invitations set the tone for your event. Formal or funky? Black tie or lounge suit? And of course they provide the when and where. And there is one more way to make an impression. Email invitations (or e-vites) are environmentally friendly, instant, affordable (often free) and there are thousands of templates to choose from.

The best-known online invitation website is probably Paperless Post. But there are many services out there, allowing you to choose a website that has the templates or ethos to suit you.

One of the big advantages of an e-vite is the option of digital RSVP, which collates and tracks guests’ responses. This not only helps the person planning the simchah but is also a plus for guests, who just have to click a button to tell you they are attending, rather than change their route home to coincide with a postbox.

If you are creative, e-vites allow you to be in the driving seat, choosing your colours, imagery, even using your own photos.