
November’s the time to get a will

October 14, 2010 10:33
1 min read

Die without a will and those left behind may not only face grief, but could be hit by a host of practical and financial issues too; as severe as banks locking access to money. So regardless of age, consider a will if you have assets, such as a home, savings or business, or people you want to ensure are looked after.

Every November across the UK, it is 'Will Aid Month' ( where over 1,000 solicitors agree to draft wills at low or no cost, with any donations for the service passed on to charity. However, the service gets booked up quickly so make an appointment as soon as possible. Or alternatively, between now and the end of October, a smaller number of solicitors are taking part in 'Free Wills Month' (

While technically you can't be forced to pay, the suggested donation is £75, which is much less than you would usually have to fork out.

Another way is to find a charity you personally support as often it will write your will for you in the hope that you include a bequest to it.

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