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My partner's not Jewish, but our children are: Meet the supportive spouses keeping kids in the tribe

Assume ‘marrying out’ leads to assimilation? Think again, says Karen Glaser

June 16, 2022 08:00
sam fennessy2
6 min read

Jacqueline Duvall was born into an Irish Catholic family, but feels Jewish. And so do the now adult children she raised with Malcolm Silver, her Jewish husband of 41 years.

“Culturally, we are a Jewish family,” she says. “Max and Lily were brought up on my fried fish, cholent and latkes and we always did Friday night dinner. And although we live in Borehamwood, every Saturday morning Malcolm schelps back to the East End for a schvitz. Always has.”

Max and Lily, 33 and 27, have also always heard their mother speaking Yiddish. “From my first Saturday job at Aylesbury Market aged 13, I have always worked for and with Jews — and I’ve got a good ear for languages. When our Jewish friends are searching for a word or expression in Yiddish it’s me they ask, not Malcolm.”

Those same Jewish friends also see Jacqueline and her children as Jewish, she says. “I’ve been lucky, there’s never been any cold-shouldering.”

