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‘My mission to help motherless Jewish daughters like me’

The death of her mum at the age of 15 is the defining event of Lynda Dullop’s life. Now she is bringing women together to share their own similar stories of loss

September 11, 2024 15:57
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Mum's the word: a mother and daughter embrace
9 min read

Lynda Dullop can remember watching, from the foot of the bed, her father trying repeatedly – and failing – to resuscitate her mother after an asthma attack. She was 15 when her mother died aged 48.

“It’s my most distinct memory of my whole childhood,” she reflects some decades later. “Everything prior to that, although I’ve got sporadic memories, I completely blocked it out because it was just too difficult to deal with.”

Her mother died on Christmas Eve and she was back at school at the start of January. “Nobody spoke about it. Nobody asked me how I was, not one teacher.”

Lynda did not discuss her mother’s traumatic death for many years. By the time she had met her husband, she realised that other than talking to a few close friends, that part of her life had been put it in a box and filed away.