
Together in tune

Jewish, Roma and Gypsy communities are coming together for a concert next month

February 21, 2018 15:37
Bis Bas will be performing at the concert
1 min read

The Jewish, Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities are celebrating at  Together in Tune. a concert at JW3 on March 6, organised by the Union of Jewish Students, Rene Cassin and the Jewish Music Institute. 

 Gabor Boros,  singer Florence Joelle, poet Phien O’Reachtigan and the band Bis Bas will be performing. 

The event marks the 70th anniversary this year of the UN’s Universal Declaration on Human Rights. "We are committed to call out human rights abuse, particularly with ethnic minority groups such as the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller community, whom face extreme segregation and often human rights abuse in the UK," said the organisers. 

The event starts at 7pm.