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Muscling in on new markets

Maximuscle founder Zef Eisenberg sees plenty of fresh opportunities.

November 12, 2009 09:58
“I am very focused on the property side of things”: Zef Eisenberg

ByCandice Krieger, Candice Krieger

4 min read

Former body-builder Zef Eisenberg is flexing his muscles in the business world.

In 1995, he founded Maximuscle — the UK’s top sports nutrition brand used by British sporting stars such as Josh Lewsey and Gavin Henson — which he sold for £75m in 2007. Mr Eisenberg, 36, who remains the company’s president and principal shareholder, is now pursuing other projects. While preparing to launch a new chain of health and fitness clubs under the Maxigym trademark — a Maximuscle spin-off — he is also executing a multi-million pound assault on London’s property market.

“A lot of people don’t realise that I am very focused on the property side of things,” says Mr Eisenberg, a newcomer in this year’s Sunday Times Rich List, worth an estimated £30m. “I was very fortunate to see the property bust coming in 2007. I got involved in 1994, after the last recession, and saw where things were going. I liquidated everything in 2007, got out of property at the peak and put everything into cash.”

Dividing his time between the Channel Islands and London, he plans to have invested over £100m into sites in London and offshore by the end of the year through his property company, Maxicorp. “I have always believed that you should focus on your doorstep and then you’ll know when to pounce.