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Money mensch: Your guide to repaying the mortgage

Martin Lewis' Money Mensch

June 25, 2009 11:46
Photo Getty Images
3 min read

Should you pay off your mortgage if you have any spare cash? In previous years, overpaying has usually won out. Yet repeated slashing of UK interest rates has left many mortgages at unthinkably cheap rates. These cuts make it less attractive to repay a mortgage rather than save, as home loans are cheaper. Here’s what you should do:

Deal with other debts first
For many people, it is a question of overpaying their mortgage and putting some of their spare cash and savings towards the mortgage, rather than clearing the whole lot in one go.

Yet the most important thing to understand is that your mortgage is a debt. It may have special features, but you have to think of it as a debt like any other.

So before tackling overpaying, it is crucial to ask whether you have any other debts. That is because you should always repay the most expensive debts first; mortgages are dirt cheap compared with most credit cards or loans, so prioritise clearing them.