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Mitch who? He wrote Jack Lemmon's favourite role

Mitch Albom is the best-selling novelist whose work delighted a Hollywood legend.

November 26, 2009 11:06
Mitch Albom

ByAlex Kasriel, Alex Kasriel

6 min read

Mitch Albom might just be the biggest author you have never heard of. His novels have shifted 30 million copies worldwide, with his latest book, Have A Little Faith, having been a fixture in the top 20 best-seller list in the United States since it was published in September. Previous novels The Five People You Meet In Heaven and For One More Day were instant number ones on the New York Times’s bestsellers list. He is perhaps best known for Tuesdays With Morrie, a memoir about the time the author spent with his old college professor before he died.

In the UK, however, it is a different story. While The Five People You Meet in Heaven was rated number 88 by the British public in a 2007 World Book Day poll of “Books You Can’t Live Without”, the Guardian had to apologise for spelling the author’s name wrong in an article about the poll. Meanwhile, a quick survey of colleagues revealed his name was recognised by less than half of them.

“I sell millions of copies here in the UK but my books don’t burst onto the scene,” says a cheerful Albom when we meet at a London hotel. “That might have something to do with the media here. I don’t play soccer and I’m not on a reality show so my chances of coverage are slim. I actually have a pretty big audience in France, Singapore and Korea. But I’m happy to have anybody reading me. I never thought when I first started out writing I’d be selling books in other countries or other languages.”

There are two possible explanations as to why the 51-year-old writer’s work is so popular in the US while it gets a more muted reaction over here. As what he calls a “searching-for-meaning author”, his gentle, feelgood style may go down less well with a more cynical British readership.