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Men have forgotten how to belong

Growing up, I can't say I was remotely jealous of frummers. But while I might not ache to be frum, I have come to realise I'm actually rather jealous of them.

May 12, 2016 09:45

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

4 min read

Growing up, I can't say I was remotely jealous of frummers.Being crammed into the back of a badly driven Volvo never looked the height of comfort (or road safety).

Tzitzit peeking out from under the shirt spelled instant nebbech no matter what else was being worn.

And as for Yom Kippur breath… not just an annual fixture but for seven eye-watering fasts a year.

No. Us cool, secular kids never held any envy towards our slightly pallid, observant cousins in their ill-fitting, prematurely-adult shabby suits. Not just sartorially superior, we were streets ahead, too, mentally: our views were free-thinking, gleaned from worldly experience, not just parroting the thoughts of what elders in even shabbier suits told them to think.