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Meet the Jewish man with 37 children

Until his daughter Rachel tracked him down in 2017, Peter Ellenstein had barely thought about the sperm bank donations of his youth. Now his 37 children are his world

February 22, 2024 16:53
Family matters: (top row, from left) a photo taken in 2017 of (back row) Peter’s brother David and sister Jan; (middle row) Peter (centre) with (from left) children Rachel, Courtney, Margaret and Alana; and (front row) Peter’s mother Lois

ByMiranda Levy, Miranda Levy

8 min read

Six and a half years ago, Peter Ellenstein — a Jewish theatre director and producer from LA discovered he was a father. At the age of 56, that would have been news enough. But over the following years Ellenstein was to find out that the daughter who’d tracked him down had been doing some extra detective work, looking for her half-siblings.

At the last count, there were 36 of them.

Ellenstein, now 62, is the father of three football teams and a handful of subs and these are just the ones he knows about all by virtue of sperm he donated in the late 1980s and 1990s. “In the process of discovering my children, I also rediscovered my Jewish identity,” says Ellenstein.

It was a 23-year-old Jewish woman called Rachel White who started the process. At 10.55am on 6 October, 2017, he was sitting in the cafe of the Ritz hotel in San Francisco when his mobile buzzed. “Hi Peter,” said the text. “I am messaging you under very strange circumstances. This is a very sensitive subject... but to give you a bit of my background, I was born in 1994 due to in-vitro fertilisation. The reason I am messaging you is that I believe you may have been the donor.”