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Mark Lewis: Hacking’s like speeding. You know it’s wrong, but you do it

He became famous for exposing the hacking of Milly Dowler’s phone. But lawyer Mark Lewis insists the press aren’t entirely to blame and there are still more ‘dirty tricks’ to uncover

October 15, 2014 10:15
Mark Lewis with the Dowler family (Photo: Getty Images)

BySandy Rashty, Sandy Rashty

4 min read

Mark Lewis steps on to a makeshift stage outside the Qatar embassy in central London.

As a lawyer, he is well known for representing more than 120 victims of phone-hacking and exposing the News of the World’s role in the scandal.

But today, he’s come to address a group of pro-Israel activists at an organised rally. Like them, he’s taking a stand against Qatar hosting the World Cup in 2022, after accusations of funding terrorism, human rights abuses and bribery.

A microphone is held in his direction, but he pushes it away. Raising his voice, Lewis tells the crowd: “Ordinary people must stand up and protest against the unification of corruption and terrorism.”