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Make your new year's resolutions count

January 12, 2012 11:31

ByCandice Krieger, Candice Krieger

3 min read

Is it wrong to admit a secret love of January? For one month only, being savvy with cash becomes sexy. People lust to sit down and tackle bills. So let me take advantage of this and suggest the key money-saving resolutions that could save thousands.

● I resolve to… properly assess my finances

I am sure you know how much you earn but do you know how much you spend each year? Without knowing both you don't have a real handle on your finances. Spend more than you earn and you eat up savings and build debts. So this must be calculated.

Finding this out requires a real budget. I don't mean willy-nilly looking at a month's expenditure - that misses out things like holidays or new sofas - I mean a year's finances. The free tool does this for you and shows how to balance your finances if there is an issue.