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Steve K. Walz speaks to hoteliers as they prepare to welcome the annual rush of British guests

March 24, 2016 11:41

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

2 min read

Pesach, for British tourists to Israel, is traditionally spent in hotels along the Mediterranean coast and in Eilat.

Rafi Baeri, vice-president of sales and marketing for the Dan Hotels chain, says that Israeli hotels were nearly filled to capacity during the holiday last year. And the Ministry of Tourism reports that, on average, foreign tourists will spend about £1,000 per person on hotel rooms, food, attractions and shopping during their stay.

Passover bookings from overseas guests remain strong this year. This period, together with Succot, are the lifeblood of many hotels, where the eight-day holidays account for 50 per cent of their annual income, according to Israel Hotel Association sources.

"Pesach bookings look good and we remain optimistic," says Alex Herman, the vice-president of sales and marketing at the Inbal Jerusalem Hotel. "People might wait a little bit longer to book their reservations because Pesach is almost a month later than last year.