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Jews in uniform: The faces of those who served

A new book features the portraits and stories of Jewish servicemen and women

April 26, 2018 09:14
Ewen Montagu jpg
4 min read

Leonard Crystall’s face, still rounded with teenage puppy fat, stares solemnly from the cover of Michael Greisman’s remarkable new book, Jews in Uniform, his sailor hat at a jaunty angle, giving no hint of the tragedy which was to befall him.

Crystall, who drowned aged just 18, is buried in Alexandria, Egypt. He is one of more than 100 British Jews, whose stories of service during the Second World War are told in this handsome volume and the really special thing about the book is the wonderful images, one for each biography.

Londoner Greisman had already published a book about the famed East End Jewish wedding photographer, Boris Bennett. “I enjoyed the experience so much that I was looking for something else. Both my parents served during the war, but I realised that I did not know enough to tell my children what they did.”

So he advertised for interesting wartime stories. “There was a myth that Jews did not serve during the war,” he says, “but in fact there were Jewish men and women in every kind of uniform between 1939 and 1945. There were pilots, sailors, army heroes, ambulance drivers, secret-service men and air-raid wardens”.