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Is your teenager on drugs? Are you sure?

'Jewish parents prefer to think that the smell emanating from their kid's bedroom comes from an incense stick' Alma Green, 16, has a wake-up call for a complacent community

October 3, 2017 10:36
Do you really know what's going on when your kid throws a party? (Picture posed by models)
4 min read

I’ve spent about £60 on weed through the dark web,” Joel tells me at the party he has thrown at his parents’ house in north Finchley.

My mum seemed pleasantly surprised when I announced I was going to his party. Like many adults, she is of the opinion that Jewish adolescents are rather green, rule-obeying kids who rarely smoke, let alone do drugs, for whom sipping Smirnoff Ice constitutes the height of rebellion. Well, surveying the room, I reckon every stoned teen here is Jewish, so my mum couldn’t be more wrong.

That said, until I went on Israel tour this summer, and met Jewish teens en masse for the first time, I agreed with my mum, and would cheerfully explain to my friends that my knee-jerk aversion to drugs and all things illicit was down to my Jewish genes.

And we weren’t alone. Just the other week, Mum came back from a Jewish friend’s dinner party at which one woman explained that her son, a pupil at a mainstream Jewish school, was having a party and she wasn’t sure if she should stay upstairs while it was going on, or go out. When Mum asked if she was worried about the teenage guests taking drugs in her living room, the woman looked shocked and said: “Oh, I don’t think drugs are an issue at the school, but I am worried about underage drinking.”

