ByTamara Corin, Tamara Corin
I'm an old-fashioned "list" kinda gal. I write lists about lists and love nothing better than crossing off something that has been achieved. Even if a task is not on my original list, I'll put it on my "to-do" list, just to cross it off seconds later. It's almost a kind of therapy of mine. When it comes to preparing for holidays abroad and kitting out not only myself but four children too, I go through an entire notepad. Although this is timely, it saves last-minute panics, impulsive shopping buys and most importantly keeps my sanity in check plus allows me to indulge in some beautiful Smythson stationery.
I truly believe that, for most scenarios in life, you can't ever be too prepared - or too dressed up for that matter. Holidays are no exception, so start now and soon enough you'll thank me for taking the stress out of the season. Tick!