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Interview: Victoria Coren

'Gambling is a bit like dating men'

September 17, 2009 11:51
Victoria Coren at the card table. “My dad’s family was full of chancers and wide boys”

BySimon Round, Simon Round

5 min read

Victoria Coren is very good at poker and has won a lot of money playing it. But despite this and a big sponsorship deal from a poker website, she does not consider herself a professional player. This is probably a very good thing, because when she is not writing or presenting TV programmes (which she does consider her job), she is generally playing poker, either online or live. So if poker was work, she says, she would have no free time at all.

As hobbies go, poker is a very lucrative one. Looking surprisingly fresh faced for someone who has spent the entire night playing Texas Hold’em online (part of her contractual obligation to the Poker Stars site), Coren explains that although she sees herself as a writer, she makes better money on the tables.

“I have made more money from poker than I have from writing and have done for a very long time now, but psychologically I think of my writing as a job and poker as my fun. I’m a professional writer with a very lucrative hobby.”

Lucrative indeed. In 2006, Coren won the main event on the European Poker Tour, winning herself a cool £500,000 in the process. Her career winnings are estimated to be in the region of £1 million. Although she might not consider herself a professional, there are many poker pros out there who would envy her success on the circuit.