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Interview: Sarah Silverman

"That foul-mouthed JAP? It’s not really me."

October 23, 2008 12:30
Sarah Silverman copy
4 min read

What do we know about Sarah Silverman? She is 37, lives in Los Angeles, and has a dog called Duck. Oh, and she is regarded as the world's hottest and most controversial comedian, having carved a reputation in her native United States for taboo-busting stand-up routines - subjects covered include race, rape and abortion - delivered in the persona of a sweet-faced Jewish princess.

Occasionally, her desire to shock misfires - her use of the word "Chink" to describe Chinese Americans resulted in her having to defend her humour on national TV.

She recently hit the headlines for a non-comedic reason, being the impetus behind "the Great Schlep". Under the slogan "Vote for Obama, gonna visit Grandmama!", she has been campaigning to urge US Jews to visit their grandparents in Florida and persuade them to vote for Barack Obama in the presidential election. She protests that only a "douche-nozzle" - an unflattering reference to an intimate medical appliance - would not try to convince their grandparents to vote Democrat in next month's poll.

Like Obama, Silverman herself has been trying to win over a nation - in her case, the British. She brought her stand-up show to London last week, although the move may have backfired. Her material -a mix of old and new - went down fairly well, but some audience members were angry that she was on stage for only 45 minutes.