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How to raise your son to be a nice Jewish boy

A recent report published by the Children’s Commissioner found that 13 is the average age that children first view pornography online

May 24, 2023 14:11
A fashion studio portrait of a young man in hoodie with big leaf sitting in armchair.
7 min read

Two days before her 18-year-old son went on a lads’ trip to Ibiza, Danielle sat him down for a chat. She said: “I discussed consent with him and told him that if he was with a girl, he needed to be sure about what she wanted.”

Gone are the days when “a chat” before a holiday to a party island was a goodbye hug at the airport, while furtively shoving a packet of condoms in your son’s pocket and whispering in his ear: “Don’t get anyone pregnant.”

Thanks to the #Me Too movement and the more recent Everyone’s Invited platform, brief chats have become much longer ones about consent and other anxieties parents have when it comes to raising sons in the 21st century.

Many of these issues will be coming under the spotlight during a panel discussion (JWA Presents: Bringing Up Good Sons) at the HerSpace event for Jewish women next month.

Perhaps this shift was inevitable due to the explosion of social media, giving children access to sexual imagery that, pre-internet, was restricted to the top shelves of newsagents.

A recent report published by the Children’s Commissioner, Rachel de Souza, found that 13 is the average age that children first view pornography online.

Ilana Hutchinson, the schools manager at Jewish Women’s Aid, says: “When we were growing up, the major influences on children were friends, family, our local community, school and maybe Just 17 magazine and Smash Hits.”

“Nowadays, the big wide world of the internet is also influencing our kids, where many of them can access anything at any time. The question is: ‘How can we as parents have a bigger influence?’ This is a forever challenge.”