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How to make three-times-a-year into a habit

Will you be making a rare trip to shul this Rosh Hashanah? Susan Reuben used to be like you

September 19, 2017 10:05
Rosh Hashanah -  season of apples, honey and visits to shul
3 min read

The most rebellious thing I ever did as a teenager was to go to school on a school day.

I was 16, it was first day Rosh Hashanah, and I was going through the obligatory rejection-of-Judaism phase — one that was to continue for many years to come.

I waited till my parents had set off for shul (there was no way they were going to get me into that place) and then headed for the bus — the ironic nature of my rebellion not lost on me.

When I burst into the middle of my A Level music class and explained why I was there, my teacher was a bit bemused — but she was hardly going to send me home in disgrace for turning up at a lesson.