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Goodbye lorries, hello pods

January 15, 2020 18:07
A pod travels through the magway at high speed

ByClaire Cantor, Claire Cantor

4 min read

You may think driverless cars or delivery drones are our future, but Phill Davies believes that “no cars” is the way ahead. Sitting in the prosaic Costa Coffee in East Finchley, Davies is convincing me that what sounds like sci-fi today, will be our norm tomorrow.

I am finding it hard to keep up with his talk of linear motors, control technology and hyperloops, but his vision boils down to a way of delivering goods using underground pipe — the Magway, which will , he says, drastically cut the amount of lorries on our roads. He hopes his enthusiasm will captivate those with an eye for a high-impact investment; Magway has already smashed through its first £750,000 crowd-funding target and is likely to double that by the end of January which will accelerate its first roll-out in a commercial project.

Davies, 50, grew up in Manchester, and had a traditional Jewish upbringing. He and his wife, the journalist and broadcaster Samantha Simmonds, are members of Muswell Hill Synagogue and have three children aged 11, nine and six. Davies studied economics at Leeds before travelling for a year and returning to a job at Deloittes to train as a chartered accountant. So far, so normal. But he wanted to run his own business.

“I always worked in technology retail,” says Davies, who, as a budding entrepreneur, ran his own business at university selling inflatables — remember Manchester City’s giant bananas? “The bulk of them were mine!”.