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Sex, violence and fame - The Hill was where I learned what I needed to do

More memories by Steven Berkoff

November 20, 2014 13:42
Steven Berkoff by Terence Donovan in 1980

BySteven Berkoff, Steven Berkoff

8 min read

In Stamford Hill, I had a sense of discovering a completely new world. We all seemed to have something unique in common, a sense of going nowhere. Most of us had left school at 15, had passed no exams, were utterly rootless and therefore we belonged to each other. The longer I traipsed up to "The Hill", the more I felt myself become embraced in my new family.

I met Harold Harris, a most charming and funny young man who actually practised his alto sax at home and had dreams of one day being a pro. He became my first real pal on The Hill. Girls were now becoming a predominant feature in our lives and a source of some obsession. Of course no one in my family could be bothered or was ever remotely interested in giving me a few biological facts so you had to stumble along finding out as you go so to speak. Harold suggested that we both go to the Royal dance hall in Tottenham. I had never been to a dance hall in my life except for the Stamford Hill Boy's Club where I desperately struggled with the rudiments of "jive". So Harold and I jumped on the bus to the completely unknown and mysterious purlieus of a place called Tottenham.

We got off at the Royal as I remember on a Saturday afternoon where they had what they charmingly called "Tea Dances". I entered the great cavernous structure of one of the most magnificent buildings I had ever seen. The men's room was on the left and the lady's on the right as you entered, and there you would repair to mend your "barnet" and arrange the recalcitrant strands before you strode on in.

But what a sight greeted your eyes. The palaces of Kubla Khan could not be more magnificent. I seem to remember a huge spinning ball of mirrors, a vast dance floor and, to the left, an immense bar. This was civilisation, this was adulthood, this was my rite of passage. I did ask a young lady to dance and I was in a state of pure teenage lustful excitement. To hold your lady in your arms for the duration of the dance, thank her for it and return to your own seat was the nearest thing to heaven. From then on, the Royal Tottenham was my university of the practicalities of dealing with the essentials of life.