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Sarah Silverman: Jesus Is Magic

July 31, 2008 23:00
1 min read



The first thing that has to be said about American comedian Sarah Silverman's bravura first feature is that it is definitely not a family film. Taste is clearly a word she has never heard of. Her language is raw and unfettered, she is vulgar, and her choice of targets for her mordant humour are strictly non-PC - among them Martin Luther King, her seven-year-old lesbian niece, Asians, midgets, blacks, rape, Aids, pornography ("I think there are not enough Jewish women represented in porn," she observes), religion and even the Holocaust.

Her humour is designed to shock. Indeed, much of what she says is beyond shocking. But in her defence she is very much an equal opportunity abuser. Deplorable? Possibly. But very funny and surprisingly perceptive, too.