
Famous Jews and their celebrity dogs

They're said to be man's best friend, and if Einstein thinks dogs are great, who are we to argue?

October 19, 2017 11:55
1 min read

Seth Rogen declared his spaniel Zelda was Jewish on Twitter, with a picture of her celebrating Chanukah with a menorah

Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis adored his dogs Lun-Wu and Jofi. They attended sessions with patients, and were fed from his plate at mealtimes.

Adam Sandler’s bulldog Meatball wore a tux and a kippah at the star’s wedding, where he acted as ring-bearer. Sadly, the pooch died in 2004, but Sandler has new bulldogs Matzoball and Babu.

Natalie Portman’s Yorkie, Whiz, is her constant companion, often hitching a lift in her handbag.

Barbara Streisand’s Coton de Tuléa Samantha died this year, just weeks after her 14th birthday. Streisand had celebrated her birthday with a portrait of the dog in cake.

Albert Einstein was an animal lover, who owned a wire fox terrier called Chico Marx. 
He once said: “The dog is very smart. He 
feels sorry for me because I receive so much mail; that’s why he tries to bite the mailman.”