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Expert view: Guide to selecting stocks in a recession

September 9, 2009 15:46
1 min read

As we look forward to Rosh Hashanah next week, it is startling to think it will be a year since the fall of Lehman Brothers and the virtual collapse of the financial system as we knew it. The events of the last quarter of 2008 have been well chewed over but the effects are still with us and will be for some years to come.

The worry is that this government seems intent on ignoring the debt pile that it created and an incoming government of whichever party is going to have to raise taxes for all, and that includes income tax and VAT. This will happen as corporation tax receipts are falling, so it will be a short honeymoon.

However, if one looks at stocks in the UK, the USA and Western Europe, one might be forgiven for thinking that there was not a crisis at all.

The FTSE All Share Index has risen over 25 per cent in the past six months and corporate bonds are now reaching prices of over 110. One needs to remember that they are repaid at 100 so there is quite a lot of froth about.