At 75 uninterrupted minutes, it is quick. In fact when Orestes, at the behest of his sister Elektra, finally despatches Aegisthus who murdered the siblings’ father, the climax to Sophocles’s 2,500-year-old tragedy ends so abruptly the audience almost forgets to applaud.
We are not talking about the kind of hesitancy that famously followed the end of the premiere of Death of Salesman by that 20th-century tragedian Arthur Miller. On that occasion stunned silence was followed by rapturous applause. No, this audience response was was more a case of, “Oh. Is that it?”
Directed by American Daniel Fish, who was behind a superb reinvention of the musical Oklahoma, this modern production of Greek classic is almost devoid of tension, especially prior to the play’s denouement. Devoid that is except for the suspense that goes with Hollywood A-lister and Academy Award winner Brie Larson making her stage debut.