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Dad’s birthday? It rather ballooned

A 90th celebrated with a lavish kiddush at Adeni synagogue in Stamford Hill - and two non-Jewish in-laws in tow. What could go wrong?

August 25, 2023 10:31
Misha’s dad
3 min read

Cosmetics companies really are missing a trick when they spend millions to get famous actors and supermodels to advertise their skincare beauty products. If they really want to show skin that defies the ravages of age, then they should use my dad.

My smooth-skinned father turned 90 last week, a milestone we were extremely thankful he had reached. On several occasions these past few years, we have found ourselves at his bedside in hospital being advised by doctors that it might be time to say our final goodbyes.

But he miraculously pulled through every time, carried on caring for my disabled mother, made more trips to Kosher Kingdom, watched more snooker on TV, and, perhaps most important, continued to attend his beloved Adeni synagogue in Stamford Hill every day.

To commemorate Dad’s 90th birthday my parents paid for a lavish kiddush at the establishment. A man you could definitely describe as taciturn, he refused a party: kiddush at the shul on Saturday and a family dinner in Golders Green on Sunday night was already too much, he said.

So off we all trotted, cars parked well out of range, to the synagogue. As much of the family as possible, including two non-Jewish partners, both men and both wearing kippots — one provided by the kindly Barbadian security guard, Tyrone — slid into the men’s section while we women went upstairs to the ladies to spy down on them through the trellis and have a bit of a gossip.