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Cancer won’t wait until Covid-19 is over

Don’t delay seeking medical help for possible cancer symptoms.

November 9, 2020 16:25
4 min read

WHEN Doug, age 77, was diagnosed with early prostate cancer, the news still came as a shock, even though his doctors had been monitoring his rising PSA levels for years. “I found myself discussing treatment options –— of which there were a few — but it was caught in the early stages so the outlook was good,” says Doug.

Doug’s story reflects the experience of thousands who face cancer each year and for whom, thanks to modern diagnostic techniques and early detection, cancer is increasingly survivable. But recently Covid-19 has reduced the numbers diagnosed — threatening to undo a lot of this good progress. Recent estimates in medical journal The Lancet suggest this could result in a 7.9 to 9.6 per cent increase in breast cancer deaths alone.

“Nobody wants to think about cancer in the middle of a pandemic, but it’s more important than ever to take positive action,” says Penny Kechagioglou, chief medical officer at GenesisCare.

“Early-stage cancer is easier to treat and there are more options open — such as less-invasive radiotherapy and more targeted treatments — which can mean fewer side effects, fewer visits, less disruption to everyday life and shorter long-term follow-up. Many studies have shown that people diagnosed early are likely to have better cancer outcomes.