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Brimming with style

September 19, 2011 12:47

ByJan Shure, Jan Shure

2 min read

Hats are properly back on the fashion agenda this autumn for the first time since the 1980s. Back then, it was all about Princess Diana and the gorgeous, big-brimmed numbers by Graham Smith, John Boyd, Frederick Fox, Philip Somerville, et al, while for autumn it is all about wearable hats that also tick the season's huge retro trend.

That is not to say we haven't all put on a hat from time to time in the last 20 years, but mainly for occasions: bar- and batmitzvahs, weddings and ritzy events like Ascot, and, of course, for shul-goers for Shabbat and yomtov.

In addition, of course, we are all prepared to jam a furry or woolly hat on our head when the temperatures plummet or when we are heading for the ski-slopes.

But this season, the hat's ubiquity on the catwalks and in the ads sprinkled throughout the pages of the glossy mags - Louis Vuitton, Alexander McQueen, Tommy Hilfiger, Sportmax, High, Comptoir des Cotonniers and many others showed models in hats - demonstrates that the top echelon of stylists are using hats in a quotidian, non-occasion way.