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Three cheers for welcome revival: David Herman reviews three Baron classics

David Herman acclaims Alexander Baron, a novelist whose work is being revisited

August 16, 2019 12:00
Wartime author Alexander Baron.
2 min read

From the City, From the Plough (Imperial War Museum Classics, £8.99),  With Hope, Farewell (Five Leaves Publications, £9.99), The War Baby Five (Leaves Publications, £9.99) by Alexander Baron

Alexander Baron, born Joseph Alexander Bernstein in 1917, was one of the leading Anglo-Jewish writers of the mid-20th century.

He was an outstanding novelist and, from the 1960s, TV dramatist. As a novelist, his central themes were the Second World War, the Jewish East End and the political left. 

From the City, From the Plough (1948) was his first novel and the book that made his name. It was an enormous success, selling half-a-million copies and winning widespread critical acclaim.