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Simon Schama: Speaking for the dead

Jenni Frazer interviews historian Simon Schama as the second volume of history of the Jewish people is published

October 3, 2017 10:08
Schama, Simon NEW

ByJenni Frazer, jenni Frazer

6 min read

It’s not often that the academic and historian Simon Schama is lost for words, but it happened almost literally to him when embarking on the second volume of his mammoth work, The Story of The Jews.

Volume One, published to rapturous acclaim in 2013, took our story from 1000 BCE to 1492. It was subtitled Finding the Words, and the plan then was to produce a second volume the following year, due to take the reader to the present day and to be entitled When Words Fail.

But Schama was so overwhelmed and enchanted by “the sheer richness of the material”, that he changed his mind. Instead of two books, the work will now be a trilogy, and his second, extraordinary volume, Belonging, is published this week, and leaves us, tantalisingly, at the gates of the 20th century.

So words have not failed, but rather delayed London-born Schama, who is professor of history and of art history at Columbia University in New York. In Belonging, once again, as in Finding the Words, Schama’s speciality is to take sometimes little-known historical figures and bring them dramatically to life. We are presented with a glittering cast of Jews from every century since the 15th, and Schama says his concern was “vitality rather than mortality”.