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Review: Zionism Without Zion

It could have been Uganda

August 18, 2016 14:35
The 1948 Show: Israel's rebirth as a modern state saluted by its new army

ByBryan Cheyette, Bryan Cheyette

2 min read

By Gur Alroey
Wayne State Univ Press, £22.50

Gur Alroey is a historian based at Haifa University who has written two outstanding books on Jewish migration to Palestine in the early 20th century. Zionism without Zion stands in contrast to these earlier histories as it charts the heated debates, within and outside the Zionist movement, about whether Palestine was the most suitable location for a national homeland.

Those who thought it would be quicker to create a refuge elsewhere, in order to save Eastern European Jews immediately in peril, were called Jewish Territorialists, and they saw their work as a continuation of political Zionism.

With the state of Israel not far short of its 70th anniversary and stronger than ever, it is hard to believe today that the Zionist movement debated seriously whether a Jewish homeland should be in Palestine or not.