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Review: This Tilting World

There is little higher praise than to say that this short book is a perfect example of a small moral choice exquisitely realised.

October 18, 2019 16:07
Colette Fellous
1 min read

This Tilting World by Colette Fellous, Trans: Sophie Lewis, (Les Fugitives, £13)

On 26th June 2015, 30 British tourists and eight local people were machine-gunned down at a resort just north of Sousse, Tunisia. The gunman was a member of Ilis, a Levantine group affiliated to Isis, and the police response was woefully slow, exacerbating the death toll. 

This was the springboard for this extraordinary work of personal memoir and philosophical meditation. 
The subject lies in its English title, in reference to a world that has lost its bearings, any sense of common humanity, pulled to extremes, tipping on its axis.

The question is posed: “This tilting world, how can we talk about it, how make sense of it? Only by naming the appalling blow these deaths have dealt each one of us…  and this terror that is taking root everywhere, even within our own bodies.”