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Review: Soundscapes

Inside a creative mind

September 16, 2016 08:29
Paul Robertson: Medici Quartet’s lead violinist who explored healing power of music in Channel 4's Music and the Mind

ByAnne Garvey
, Anne Garvey

2 min read

By Paul Robertson
Faber & Faber, £15.99

Paul Robertson, a remarkable violinist in the full flush of middle-aged vigour at 55, is shaving in his lovely farmhouse home in Sussex when a devastating pain shatters his body. It is the beginning of weeks of unimaginable anguish.

Brought back from the brink by a team of NHS surgeons, specially convened on a Sunday, his rare aortal tear is operated on and his life saved. In a few weeks, he goes from energetic musician and impresario to someone who simply fails to recognise himself in the hospital mirror:

"I thought that an unknown, sick old man must have come in with me. My body was appallingly emaciated, my face almost skeletal, and my shoulders, once broad and full, had collapsed. I looked like a starving prisoner of war."