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Review: Refugee Tales Volume III

A heartfelt and compelling form of protest, a setting down as evidence of the experiences of those whom the media so often vilify and reject, says Rabbi Johnathan Wittenberg

August 27, 2019 10:07
Refugee child

Refugee Tales Volume III, David and Anna Pincus Eds. (Comma Press, £9.99)

A project of the Gatwick Detainees Welfare Group, Refugee Tales campaigns against the indefinite detention of refugees and asylum seekers. At the heart of its work is the story — an ancient and profoundly eloquent form of protest. The present publication is the third collection of tales. 

“We hear so many of the wrong words about refugees — ugly, limiting, unimaginative words — that it feels like a gift to find here so many of the right words which allow us to better understand the lives around us, and our own lives, too.” 

This endorsement by Kamila Shamsie, author of a story in an earlier volume, goes to the core of what Refugee Tales is about.