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Review: Going Up

Upside of intellectual life

August 20, 2015 14:03
On the move: the young writer with millions of words ahead of him

ByDaniel Snowman, Daniel Snowman

2 min read

By Frederic Raphael
The Robson Press, £25

Frederic Raphael's engaging new memoir tells us of his early years: "going up" to Cambridge and then, bit by bit, in the literary and cultural worlds to which he aspired.

The first thing to say is that I found the book a real page-turner. The second is that the highly cerebral author of The Glittering Prizes and much else would never resort, as I have just done, to lazy cliché; au contraire, he is more likely to display the ubiquitous eschewal à la fois of both intellectual and verbal indolence.

I caricature of course. But so does he: sharply, wittily, allusively. Thus, the "hermetic habits" of Jonathan Miller "never inhibited him from retreating into any available limelight", while Bernard Levin, after noting in the Spectator that there was no longer any antisemitism in Britain, had turned from "yesterday's Taper into today's Doctor Pangloss".