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Review: About Time

This book is well-observed, humane, and very funny, writes Alun David

December 18, 2019 18:04
Michael Estorick
1 min read

About Time by Michael Estorick (Arcadia, £14.99)

Michael Estorick’s latest, enjoyable novel deals with the notion that, if life doesn’t exactly begin at 60, it can shift up a gear or two. The setting is England in the early 21st century. Arsene Wenger is managing Arsenal, nobody has heard of Brexit.

Two old school-friends are approaching their seventh decades. Bill, a businessman with a questionable taste in ties, is keeping up with his BUPA payments; Pete, an artist who works in adult education, has to rely on the NHS.

Both men take their milestone birthdays as the occasion for existential reassessment, the outcomes of which cause significant, and often hilarious disruption for themselves and others, especially their partners.