
On the bookshelf

November 24, 2016 23:21
who betrayed the jews
1 min read

Suffering and suffragette
Later this month, Hutchinson are releasing Helen Rappaport’s Caught in the Revolution: Petrograd 1917, in which she conveys a view of the Russian Revolution through the eyes of foreign witnesses, including Emmeline Pankhurst from Britain.

Spirit of invention
Yale management fellow David J Gerber has written the biography of his father, The Inventor’s Dilemma: The Remarkable Life of H. Joseph Gerber (Yale UP), a “Hitler Émigré” from Austria who revolutionised American industry.

Berlin by top drawer
Self Made Hero’s marvellous graphic tales are always of interest, and in Irmina, Munich-based writer and artist Barbara Yelin verbally and visually tells a dramatic story based on the life of her grandmother, who was forced to remain in Nazi Berlin.

New Yorker’s narratives
Wendy Brandmark is a New York born, London based author whose short-story collection, He Runs the Moon (Holland Park Press), is sub-titled Tales From the Cities. The cities, in which individual lives are sensitively depicted, are all in the US: Denver, New York and Boston.

Roots of the Holocaust
Agnes Grunwald-Spier narrowly missed deportation to Auschwitz the moment she was born, in Budapest in July 1944. A founder trustee of the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust, she has been a leading light in raising Holocaust awareness ever since. Her latest, 600-page book is Who Betrayed the Jews? The Realities of Nazi Persecution (The History Press).

Do we not read?
The unfailingly eloquent Howard Jacobson was one of eight authors gathered up for the Hogarth Shakespeare project, in which contemporary writers offered prose reinterpretations of Shakespeare plays. Jacobson’s offering was Shylock is My Name, a typically inventive updating of The Merchant of Venice and is available in Vintage paperback and as ebook.

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