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Off with the motley

Two British Jewish theatrical treasures reveal their offstage selves in well crafted and entertainingly personal prose

January 17, 2011 13:53
The well-adjusted Lipman

ByJohn Nathan, John Nathan

3 min read

I Must Collect Myself
By Maureen Lipman
Simon & Schuster, £18.99

A Still Untitled (Not Quite) Autobiography
By Ron Moody
JR Books, £18.99

Although both of these books, by two of Britain's best-loved Jewish comedy actors, are autobiographical, neither is your classically constructed life story.

Ron Moody coyly avoids the category, at least in his title, possibly because, as his book involuntarily leads you to believe, the author would rather have the kind of attention that comes from being the subject of someone else's inquiry into what makes a comic genius tick, than have had to generate his own.