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‘For Peter Beinart, focusing on the right of Jews to be secure from terrorists is immoral’

Stephen Pollard reviews Peter Beinart’s new book Being Jewish after the destruction of Gaza

February 20, 2025 12:14
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3 min read

Peter Beinart wants us to feel sorry for him: “When I enter a synagogue, I am no longer sure who will extend their hand and who will look away.”

Well, I’ll fathom a guess. Every shul has its version of a Beinart – the intellectually gifted wiseacre who thinks that he has some sort of special insight denied to the rest of the community. For the most part, they humour him. He may be pompous; he may be irritating. But he is essentially harmless. They will, of course, shake his hand, even if they might not want to break bread with him.

But sometimes this Beinart goes a stage further, flaunting a supposed moral superiority based on the repudiation of almost everyone and everything that holds the community of which he is a part together. So subsumed does he become in his self-righteousness that everything fuels his ego – and when the shul members start to give him a wide berth, that itself adds to his belief that they are not on his moral plane.

This is a book that not only need never have been written but that does not need to be read.

