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Danny Goldberg: The legacy of the summer of love

Danny Goldberg's new book is a personal detailed account of a golden, pivotal, period in America's history

July 21, 2017 14:37

ByBarry Toberman, barry toberman

5 min read

Growing up in the New York suburbs in the 1960s, Danny Goldberg was a self-confessed mediocre student —“today they would call me ADD” — useless at sports and awkward around girls.

Then came 1967’s Summer of Love, whose heady amalgam of hippies, LSD, Sergeant Pepper and other key LPs had a transformative effect on the then 17-year-old, who after graduating at 16 let his hair grow for a year.

“It’s when the world changed from black and white to colour,” muses Goldberg, whose new book, In Search Of The Lost Chord, marks the Summer of Love’s half-century anniversary.