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Criminal behaviour therapy

January 21, 2010 13:59
Frank Tallis: psyched-up

ByJenni Frazer, Jenni Frazer

1 min read

Frank Tallis’s sixth adventure for his Viennese psychoanalyst, Deadly Communion, (Century, £12.99) is heavy on the psych and not much cop, frankly, on the analysis — I had the murderer pegged halfway through.

Not only that, but Tallis’s eagerness to pin the crime on the, er, donkey, requires a stunt so wildly improbable that it would be bizarre even if carried out in the present day, let alone in the more staid, 19th-century Vienna.

But fans of the Liebermann Papers series, with young and handsome Dr Max Liebermann trailing alongside his fat cop friend Detective Inspector Oskar Rheinhardt, will find plenty to enjoy — although it has to be said that Max’s obligatory visit to his mentor, Sigmund Freud, lies heavy on the page. Tallis has spoken before about Freud’s fondness for telling jokes but if these samples are anything to go by then Freud’s career as a stand-up comedian was always a non-starter.

This time Liebermann and Rheinhardt are trailing a sexual predator with a very particular method of killing.