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Born Survivors: the story of three lives that emerged within temples of hell

June 7, 2015 15:28
Wendy Holden: impressive research

ByNatasha Lehrer, Natasha Lehrer

2 min read

The handsome man in uniform tweaked at their flesh as the women stood, shivering and ashamed, trying to shield their naked, newly shaven bodies from his gaze. "Are you pregnant, pretty lady?" These sinister words, spoken by Josef Mengele, the "Angel of Death", during the daily Selektion of new arrivals at Auschwitz, spool through the story of Priska, Rachel and Anya - three women who never met, but whose children, Hana, Mark and Eva, today consider themselves to be "siblings of the heart".

The three women, deported to Auschwitz late on in the war, are the subjects of Wendy Holden's new book, Born Survivors. Early on, she tells how Priska managed to keep a step ahead of the Nazis as she moved around Slovakia with her new husband. Rachel and her husband survived the liquidation of the Lodz ghetto before being deported, while Anya spent many months in Theriesenstadt, sharing a tiny apartment with her husband. All were recently married, young, and, by the time they arrived in Auschwitz, pregnant.

Arriving there in 1944, they were strong and healthy compared to camp inmates of longer standing, even after years of privation as they scrabbled to survive as Jews under Nazi occupation in different parts of Europe.

As relatively latecomers to the camp, the women were considered fit for slave labour, but any woman found to be pregnant at the Selektion was sent immediately to the gas chamber. Each of the three woman instinctively made a split-second decision - replying "Nein" to Mengele - which saved their lives.