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Book Review: Voodoo Histories

We confess: JC columnist is CIA stooge

June 11, 2009 15:30

ByAdam Lebor, Adam Lebor

2 min read

Voodoo Histories
By David Aaronovitch
Jonathan Cape, £17.99

Who is this so-called “David Aaronovitch”? A high-profile columnist for the Jewish Chronicle, part of the British arm of ZOG — the Zionist Occupation Government — Aaronovitch also writes for The Times, which is controlled by the Australian Rupert Murdoch, a senior member of The Illuminati. A former communist turned liberal, Aaronovitch may even be Elder of Zion number seven, in charge of propaganda and disinformation.
After an expert decoding of hundreds of bound pages of printed symbols rooted in Hebrew, Nabatean and ancient proto-Semitic (also known as the alphabet) we can now reveal the truth, which is that Aaronovitch has written a timely, forensically detailed debunking of the modern age’s conspiracy theories.

Welcome to the wacky world where crackpot delusions are twisted into a whole alternative world view, most of which boil down to one essential point: They Are Out To Get Us.

“They” might be the Elders of Zion, the gathering of elderly Jews who secretly rule the world. Or the sinister forces of the British secret state. Or the dark reaches of the Bush administration which laid explosive charges in the Twin Towers, which, like the Pentagon, were not actually hit by hijacked planes at all. Rather like the moon, which, conspiracy theorists believe, was not landed on. It was all faked by artful photography.