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Auctions end the year on a high

Allsop final auction catalogue for 2010 is a bumper sale of more than 350 lots.

December 2, 2010 16:02
Two freehold maisonettes in London’s Bloomsbury, guide: £1 million to £1.1 million, in  Allsop’s December 16 sale

ByCharlie Jacoby, Charlie Jacoby

2 min read

Allsop has released its final auction catalogue for 2010 - and it's a bumper sale of more than 350 lots. Held on December 16 in London, the sale will include vendors such as Harrow School, Luton Borough Council and Network Rail.

More than a third of the 350 are "insolvency" lots, where owners have gone bust. However, Gary Murphy of Allsop says that the large number of them is due to Allsop's success rate in the last year.

"We're achieving a very solid track record of success rate, way above the 65 per cent national average," says Gary. "Our last sale achieved 89 per cent. That's the average we have maintained across the residential market this year."

Ground rent investors have their own separate session after 6pm. There will be 48 lots in this sale, including local authority-owned land fronting Christchurch Avenue, Wealdstone, with a guide price of £1.4 million to £1.5 million. This is a freehold, broadly triangular, site of more than half an acre, with potential for a care home or residential development.