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Coronation Street's Auntie Pam: The Jewish mum who loves playing baddies

"My agent knows to not book things in for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur."

November 3, 2016 12:48
03112016 2

ByFrancine White, Francine White

3 min read

How do you combine life as a busy actress with observing Judaism? For Kate Anthony - best known as Coronation Street's Auntie Pam - her work means juggling TV, stage and radio roles with keeping kosher and preparing for her son's barmitzvah.

"I keep kosher at home and stick to it when I am travelling. Obviously I don't get to go to shul on Shabbat often as I'm usually doing two shows a day. But my agent knows to not book things in for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur."

Her most recent screen role was in hit show Game of Thrones Huge secrecy surrounded the audition process.

"My agent rang me up and said Game of Thrones want to see you." says Anthony, "So I went to the audition and immediately had to sign three pieces of paper saying I wouldn't disclose anything about the audition. Nor would they tell me anything about the character and I read from a script that had already aired."