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Plenty to learn on a school visit

Zelda Leon's helping out as a school visits her shul

March 13, 2019 16:02
4 min read

In a rare moment of community spirit, I have agreed to help out with a school visit at our synagogue. But now I am panicking. Should I have told Deborah, the organiser, that I’m a semi-shiksa so probably not the ideal person for the task? What if the visiting children ask me Advanced Level Jewish questions? Difficult stuff about the Torah? I can’t even remember all the reasons why we have challah on Friday night, aside from"‘we really, really like it" – which I’m fairly sure isn’t debated in the Talmud (last time I checked).

The children will be split into small groups to huddle round different tables with Judaic artefacts, such as a Torah scroll, Seder plate, menorah, tallit, and so on, and a helper at each. There will also be a table set nicely as if for Shabbat with a white cloth, challah, Kiddush cup, plus a basket of cut-up challah and tiny glasses of grape juice for the kids. Can I manage the Shabbat table? All I need to do is give a little spiel about Shabbat and the things they see on the table, recite the appropriate blessings in Hebrew, and answer any questions.

Deborah offers to send me some background notes (I think she could hear I was starting to hyperventilate on the phone). Luckily, most of the content is already familiar, so maybe I know more than I realise, but I am intrigued by a comment about the brachot, which states that: “In Judaism we do not bless anyone or anything”. We all refer to ‘the blessing for wine’ because we know what that means but the notes remind me that the intent is to bless and praise God for the grapes from which the wine is made, not to bless the wine itself. Interesting, but maybe a distinction that would be lost on kids still in Year 3 (aged 7-8)?

The children are from a school in south London (ie where the shuls are few and far between). Most have probably never even met anybody Jewish. Does anyone know when the Jewish Sabbath is, I ask? A boy puts his hand up, "Is it Tuesday?" No….well, does anyone know when the Christian Sabbath is? No-one knows that either, it turns out. The teacher, however, was raised as a Seventh Day Adventist so leaps in quickly. After that, every question I ask, she chips in before any of the children can pipe up. I feel she is kind of missing the point, but – as I’m not a teacher – I don’t know what the kindly, constructive way of saying, "Shut up and let them speak"is.