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A very brief history of Klezmer

July 6, 2007 13:41

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

2 min read

Klezmer as we now know it was originally just referred to as Jewish music and was played by Jewish musicians in Eastern Europe for several hundred years prior to the Second World War.

After the Russian pogroms, many klezmer musicians (or klezmorim) fled to America, and there, from about 1910, klezmer began to flourish.

After the 1940s, however, the music almost totally died out - devastated in Europe by the death of so many Jewish musicians in the Holocaust, and unable to fight off the rival claims of the folk music emerging from the newly created state of Israel. Klezmer was relegated to a few isolated moments at weddings and barmitzvahs.

The revival started in the late 1970s, led by several outstanding American musicians keen to explore the music of their roots. An upsurge of interest followed in this country, catalysed in 200 by the introduction of KlezFest music festival. Prominent among the groups that emerged were Oi Va Voi and the Sophie Solomon Band.